Fairview Family Dental

How Oral Health Affects Your Overall Health

How Oral Health Affects Your Overall Health

How Oral Health Affects Your Overall Health - Dentist Brantford - Fairview Family Dental

Your oral health is essential on its own, but did you realize that your overall health can be directly related to your oral health? While it’s crucial to maintain the health of your teeth and gums to prevent cavities, gum disease, bad breath, and tooth loss. A healthy mouth can also lead to a healthier body.

How is Your Oral Health Related to Overall Health?

Gum disease is one of the most significant oral health issues that can lead to other complications. While gum disease on its own can be challenging and painful, many people don’t realize the effects it can have on the rest of the body. Unhealthy gums can mean an increased risk for conditions like heart disease and respiratory problems. Studies have shown that plaque bacteria found in those with gum disease are often also found in diseased arteries of those with specific coronary conditions. This same plaque can also aggravate many common lung conditions, including respiratory infections.

An Unexpected Condition Related to Periodontal Disease.

The correlation between gum disease and pregnancy complications is not well known, but it can be severe. Periodontal disease, or gum disease, can lead to pre-term labor, which often results in low birth weights. Babies who are born too early, and underweight, can experience many problems like asthma, congenital disabilities, abnormalities, and even death. It’s essential for women who are pregnant or trying to become pregnant, to visit their dentist regularly for checkups.


Oral healthcare is essential on its own, but it also helps with your wellbeing overall. Seeing your dentist regularly for checkups, treatments, and cleanings can help prevent these periodontal disease-related conditions.

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