Fairview Family Dental

Oral Cancer: On The Rise

Oral Cancer: On The Rise

Oral Cancer: On The Rise - Dentist Brantford - Fairview Family Dental

During our adult lives, most of us will have become aware of the many diseases that appear to be under our control only to have one of these make a new appearance and with a vengeance.

One of the more insidious diseases is oral cancer, and once again, it’s on the rise

In the past, most studies indicated that oral cancer was a disease confined primarily to patients who use tobacco in one form or another. Other studies show a link between oral cancer and sexually-active persons. At the time of this writing, it will outstrip cervical cancer.

One of the most significant methods for prevention is an oral cancer screening. And the good news is that, if diagnosed early, nearly ninety percent of sufferers survive.

Some Of The Warning Signs

Any sore in the mouth that persists, and may bleed easily.
Any change in the “feel” of the way the teeth fit together.
When a patient notices a change in the color of the oral tissues
Chewing difficulties with possible difficulty swallowing
Any persistent tenderness, numbness or actual pain

If you experience any of the above-stated symptoms, it’s time to make an appointment with a dentist for a complete oral cancer screening.

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